good friday


Good Friday – 29 March 2024


‘Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last.’ We hear these final words on all that Jesus ever did and said in his brief but brilliant and often bamboozling life. [...]

Good Friday – 29 March 20242024-05-20T20:32:48+09:30

Good Friday – One Little Word 7/04/2023


33 They came to a place called Golgotha (which means ‘the place of the skull’). 34 There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it. 35 When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots. 36 And sitting down, they [...]

Good Friday – One Little Word 7/04/20232023-04-19T22:48:10+09:30

Thirsty Man: Thirsty You


After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said to fulfil the scripture, “I thirst”. They say, “less is more” when it comes to playing music or preaching a sermon. Well, here it is in this painful deathly moment. Less words meaning much more. [...]

Thirsty Man: Thirsty You2022-04-20T10:54:47+09:30

Making us New


St John's account of the Passion  Chapters 18 & 19 It takes a lot of work to make something new. It can cost a lot too. I think of rebuilding my holden 186 motor in my 1970 HG wagon when I was 20. It took me [...]

Making us New2021-04-03T13:21:32+10:30

No One Gets Left Behind


Homily , Good Friday, April 9, 2020 John 18:9 “I didn’t lose anyone of these you gave me” (John 18:9)  I don’t know why I know this, but I know for solders, there is this stern commitment, that no matter what happens, ‘no one gets left behind’. Maybe I picked this maxim up from all the war movies I have seen [...]

No One Gets Left Behind2020-04-11T08:23:46+09:30

Good Friday


Good Friday - April 19th    So that we may dwell in the Father's Place Vicar Shaun Manning John 19:17-30 17 So they took Jesus, and he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place called the place of the skull, which is called in Hebrew Gol′gotha. 18 There they crucified him, and with him two others, [...]

Good Friday2019-04-23T14:58:32+09:30

He Fills My Tomb


Sermon, Good Friday March 30, 2018, St Petri Luke 23:44–47   44 It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, 45 for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”[a] When he had said [...]

He Fills My Tomb2018-03-30T10:02:41+10:30

Dead of Alive


Homily, GOOD FRIDAY April 14, 2017, St Petri. Pastor Adrian Kitson Matthew 27:19-20 19 While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent him this message: ‘Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.’ 20 But the chief priests and [...]

Dead of Alive2017-04-14T11:45:53+09:30

Living in the PROMISE – At the Cross – Good Friday


Good Friday Homily 2016 John 18:28-40 28 Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness they did not enter the palace, because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover. 29 So Pilate came out to them and [...]

Living in the PROMISE – At the Cross – Good Friday2016-03-25T17:29:44+10:30

Remember what he did – Good Friday


HOMILY GOOD FRIDAY 2015 (April 3,) St Petri   Stricken, smitten, afflicted” After viewing “Stricken, smitten, afflicted’ media clip. You who think of sin but lightly, Nor suppose the evil great. Here may view its nature rightly, Here its guilt may estimate. Mark the sacrifice appointed, See who bears the awful [...]

Remember what he did – Good Friday2015-04-04T12:59:05+10:30
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