Christmas 1C

The Father’s Business for 2019


Sermon, Sunday Dec 30th, 2018  - 1st Sunday after Christmas St Petri Luke 2:41-52 41 Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the festival, according to the custom. 43 After the festival was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy [...]

The Father’s Business for 20192018-12-30T11:23:57+10:30

Our Coming Saviour – 4 Strands of spiritual growth


Sermon Sunday Dec 27th - 1st Sunday after Christmas St Petri Luke 2:41-52 41 Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. 42 When he was twelve years old, they went up to the festival, according to the custom. 43 After the festival was over, while his parents were returning [...]

Our Coming Saviour – 4 Strands of spiritual growth2016-01-01T19:19:09+10:30

New Clothes for the New Year


Sermon: Christmas 1C, Sunday Dec 30th, 2012 St Petri, Combined Service New Clothes Colossians 3:12-17  As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves…And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. How did you go at Christmas? Gifts [...]

New Clothes for the New Year2013-01-08T08:08:24+10:30
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