Holy Communion

It is our privilege to share part of your journey as parents and children as a local church. Every year we invite parents of children aged 9-11 years old to consider working with your child to help them prepare to receive the Lord’s Supper at St Petri.

We understand that admission to Communion has normally been done as part of the Confirmation process at St Petri, and so, do not wish to put any pressure on any child or parent to engage in this pre-confirmation admission to Holy Communion. On the other hand, the Lutheran Church of Australia invites baptized children of age to be admitted to Holy Communion. We believe that the Lord gives us the great gifts of forgiveness and new life in this meal we share and that children of this age have the capacity to understand what the Lord’s Supper is, how to approach it and what God gives them in the meal.

First Communion is a process of learning specially designed for older children with participation in the process by parents that normally runs for 6 weeks after school on an agreed day of the week. Some meet-ups are face-to-face, and some are via Zoom. First Communion aims to prepare them for receiving the body and blood of the Lord.

WHEN: Next intake is Term 2, 2023 at a time to be arrived at by the participating families.

For further details or to register, please contact St Petri Church Office on 85621 011 or Sharon Green – childyouthfamily@stpetri.org.au





Sunday 8:45am
(1st + 3rd of Month)