With all due respect,
I feel that I must be honest and truthful even though it may not be completely positive.
I have spent the whole week thinking about all this and I find it helps to write it down and let somebody know my thoughts on all this…
Of course I comprehend the topic/title of the sermon and command of Jesus to love your neighbor as yourself, but…
I tried, but personally I could not connect or relate on a human level with what this sermon was saying to me… to me I felt that that this sermon was two dimensional.
Even though we left early, we went home and worshiped and sang praise songs to the Lord.
In the good Samaritan story, the beaten up person on the side of the road who was robbed might better relate not as my neighbor but as Jesus. How often do we walk past Jesus or at times subtly deny we know him by holding back the good news from strangers etc.
I reflect on Matthew 25:31-46 Where in verse 40 the king replies “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me”.
I think the question “Who is your Neighbor?” is irrelevant. I think it is more about the “What” rather than the “Who”. Confronting the needs of others brings out various attitudes in us.
loving and serving others where ever we can and glorifying God through it. To treat all persons we encounter as if they were Jesus – So what we do for others demonstrates what we really think about Jesus. So out of the ‘Good Samaritan’ parable After reflecting and reading it again I see that lack of love can be easy to wrongfully justify, our neighbor is anyone of any race or social background in need and Love means acting to meet the persons need.
It actually goes deeper than this too when you look at the cross. but I’ll leave it there and if any one has any comments I would be eager to hear from you.
Best Regards in Christ
With all due respect,
I feel that I must be honest and truthful even though it may not be completely positive.
I have spent the whole week thinking about all this and I find it helps to write it down and let somebody know my thoughts on all this…
Of course I comprehend the topic/title of the sermon and command of Jesus to love your neighbor as yourself, but…
I tried, but personally I could not connect or relate on a human level with what this sermon was saying to me… to me I felt that that this sermon was two dimensional.
Even though we left early, we went home and worshiped and sang praise songs to the Lord.
In the good Samaritan story, the beaten up person on the side of the road who was robbed might better relate not as my neighbor but as Jesus. How often do we walk past Jesus or at times subtly deny we know him by holding back the good news from strangers etc.
I reflect on Matthew 25:31-46 Where in verse 40 the king replies “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did for me”.
I think the question “Who is your Neighbor?” is irrelevant. I think it is more about the “What” rather than the “Who”. Confronting the needs of others brings out various attitudes in us.
loving and serving others where ever we can and glorifying God through it. To treat all persons we encounter as if they were Jesus – So what we do for others demonstrates what we really think about Jesus. So out of the ‘Good Samaritan’ parable After reflecting and reading it again I see that lack of love can be easy to wrongfully justify, our neighbor is anyone of any race or social background in need and Love means acting to meet the persons need.
It actually goes deeper than this too when you look at the cross. but I’ll leave it there and if any one has any comments I would be eager to hear from you.
Best Regards in Christ