
The Gracious Gardener


Sermon, Lent 3C Sunday March 3, 2013, St Petri Believing is Seeing.... The Gracious Gardener Living Water for our Idolatry              Luke 13:1-9  At that very time there were some present who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. Jesus asked them, "Do you think that because these Galileans [...]

The Gracious Gardener2013-03-03T19:27:37+10:30

Way to God


Sermon: Advent 2C,Dec 9th, 2012. St Petri   Luke 3:1-6 A way to God Spirit of God, make the way straight for us to hear and believe your word, for your word is truth and life. Amen Friends, we hear of the way to God this Advent morning. “The Way to God”? If there was [...]

Way to God2012-12-09T23:16:39+10:30
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