Advent 3

The Wonder of Christmas – Always Arriving


Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. 9 Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or [...]

The Wonder of Christmas – Always Arriving2023-01-01T15:48:00+10:30

Witness His Majesty – Wise Men


Sing, Daughter Zion;     shout aloud, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,     Daughter Jerusalem! 15 The Lord has taken away your punishment,     he has turned back your enemy. The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you;     never again will you fear any harm. 16 On that day     they will [...]

Witness His Majesty – Wise Men2021-12-13T15:25:24+10:30
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