Worship Small Sermon

Sunday 14th August


Signs of Life - Seven signs of God's grace for living Worship Small - message by Pastor Adrian Kitson Today we hear an account of Jesus' power over death in the raising of Lazarus back to life.  We know that one day we will be Lazarus because we belong to Jesus. [...]

Sunday 14th August2022-08-12T21:51:21+09:30

Sunday 7th August


God's Gift to You is his Kingdom and its Royal Service Worship Small - message by Pastor Vernon Kleinig and presented by Vicar Edwin Shoesmith Today we hear of our Heavenly Father's extravagant, way-over-the-top love for us in giving us His kingdom and all the privileges that go along with life [...]

Sunday 7th August2022-08-05T17:52:55+09:30

Sunday 31st July


Keep Living 4 Worship Small - message by Pastor Adrian Kitson How are we going living as God's people, dearly loved and full of his life and love?  Do we have a "Jesus focus" for the practicals of life in the here and now?  It's all about our heart even in [...]

Sunday 31st July2022-07-29T17:31:46+09:30

Sunday 24th July


Keep Living 3 Worship Small - message by Pastor Adrian Kitson As we keep on living established in Christ (knowing forgiveness and the love of Jesus) it is possible for us to go back to old ways - either the Jewish keeping of God's law or the choosing of many gods [...]

Sunday 24th July2022-07-22T17:58:12+09:30

Sunday 17th July


Keep Living 2 Worship Small - message by Pastor Adrian Kitson In these uncertain times when so much seems unclear, one thing is certain - Jesus is still supreme!  He is here and in him we have a grace-filled hope which is ours under any threat.  This hope keeps us living rooted, grounded [...]

Sunday 17th July2022-07-15T18:00:26+09:30

Sunday 10th July


Keep on Living Established in Christ Worship Small - message by Pastor Adrian Kitson Times are changing and we can ask our questions "why?".  This week Pastor Adrian encourages us to instead focus the head and heart on what God says about us and our future in him.  As we look [...]

Sunday 10th July2022-07-08T17:22:11+09:30

Sunday 3rd July


We're in this together Worship Small - message by Pastor Robert Voigt When loneliness and anxiety are at pandemic levels in our society and there are all kinds of pressures we are dealing with, Pastor Robert reminds us today how we can benefit by being in community, a community where even [...]

Sunday 3rd July2022-07-01T18:37:59+09:30

Sunday 26th June


Courageous and Clear Worship Small - message by Pastor Adrian Kitson We are called to confess the love and hope of Jesus in a clear and courageous way today, just as Martin Luther was called to do in Augsburg in 1530.  Are we up for the challenge?  We can trust that [...]

Sunday 26th June2022-06-24T18:05:53+09:30

Sunday 19th June


Under the Broom Tree Worship Small - message by Pastor Adrian Kitson Ever felt exhausted and at the pits of despair, especially after you have had a big 'high' and then you hit the "low".  Come hear what God has to say to you today, listen to his truth and experience [...]

Sunday 19th June2022-06-17T18:26:56+09:30

Sunday 12th June


Christ Key Worship Small - message by Vicar Ed Shoesmith How do we even begin to understand God as all powerful and present in everything … this God of the universe?  Vicar Ed shares thoughts on the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit. https://youtu.be/NTIj7kwZtQQ

Sunday 12th June2022-06-10T14:52:58+09:30
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